Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Healthy Gluten Free Diet


Increasing numbers of people are following a gluten-free diet, which eliminates the grains wheat, barley and rye. Some have been diagnosed with celiac disease, in which the gluten protein literally destroys the lining of the small intestine. And others simply have found that a gluten-free diet helps to keep a health complaint, such as an achy back or migraine headaches, at bay. Regardless of why you're eating gluten free, some simple tips can make the gluten-free diet a very healthy way of eating.

The first step to eating a healthy gluten-free diet is eliminating gluten. But eating gluten free isn't as simple as just eliminating breads and pastas. Gluten can hide in places you'd never expect it. For example, dietitian Tricia Thompson, who specializes in counseling celiac disease patients, notes that processed foods such as soups, bouillon, rice mixes and seasoned varieties of nuts and potato chips often contain gluten ingredients. Despite its name, soy sauce almost always contains wheat as its first ingredient. Those following the gluten-free diet must learn to read labels carefully to avoid gluten.

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Balanced Gluten Free Diet


The increasingly popular gluten-free diet eliminates all foods containing three grains: wheat, barley, and rye. Some people find it difficult to eat a well-balanced diet while following the gluten-free diet because whole grain products that don't contain those three grains can be tricky to find. But if you take a little more time to carefully construct menus and prepare fresh foods, it's possible to eat a balanced gluten-free diet.

Wheat, barley and rye contain the protein gluten. People who have been diagnosed with celiac disease, a condition in which gluten attacks their small intestines, must eat gluten free or risk severe symptoms, including diarrhea, bloating, and abdominal pain. However, many other people find that eliminating gluten from their diets helps curb migraine headaches, skin conditions such as psoriasis, and muscle aches and pains.
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Switching to a gluten-free diet is not as easy as simply eliminating foods like bread and pasta, which obviously contain wheat flour. According to dietitian Tricia Thompson, who counsels many celiac disease patients, processed foods such as soups, sauces, and rice mixes also contain gluten ingredients. But fortunately, a balanced gluten-free diet doesn't need processed foods and ingredients to be healthy.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture food pyramid recommends getting the bulk of daily calories in the form of whole grains. Naturally gluten-free grains include amaranth, quinoa, sorghum, rice, and corn, according to the Mayo Clinic. Many of these are available plain at the supermarket, and manufacturers also produce gluten-free breads and pastas featuring these and other types of whole grains.

Many other food options essential to a balanced diet are naturally gluten free. Fresh meats are gluten free unless they are processed in some way or contain broth or other additives; to be certain, read the label. In addition, plain beans and fresh fruits and vegetables also contain no gluten. The USDA food pyramid recommends two to three cups of fresh vegetables per day for adults, along with up to two cups of fresh fruits and around five ounces of meat or beans.

Supermarkets carry plenty of gluten-free substitutes for favorite foods such as cookies, cakes, muffins and brownies. In addition, many varieties of snack foods, such as plain potato chips and corn chips, contain no gluten. Those following a gluten-free diet need to take the same precautions as people eating a regular diet to eat these foods sparingly in order to keep their diet well balanced and healthy.

Gluten Free Casein Free Foods

The gluten-free diet is a trend that celebrities and middle-class Americans are choosing to follow to feel healthier and lose weight. Originally, the gluten-free diet was designed for people who had the serious digestive disorder called celiac disease. In addition to celiac disease, changing to a gluten- and casein-free diet has been found to help people who suffer from a variety of other disorders, including some forms of autism. It may seem difficult to find foods that are both free of gluten and the dairy product casein, but many natural and unrefined foods are free of both.
Brown Rice

According to the Autism Web website, gluten, which is wheat protein, is found in many grains, such as oats, wheat and rye. But rice is both gluten- and casein-free, since it contains no wheat or dairy byproducts. Brown rice is recommended for people on the gluten-free, casein-free diet because it is rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber.
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Fresh fruits like strawberries, apples, oranges and bananas are an easy-to-prepare part of the gluten-free, casein-free diet. Fresh fruits contain neither wheat nor dairy byproducts. Canned and dried fruits may or may not be gluten and casein-free, depending on how they are processed. For instance, if fruits are home-dried in a dehydrator with no additives, they are acceptable for the diet. If, however, brown sugar or other food additives are used, they could contain traces of gluten, according to the National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse. It recommends looking for hidden sources of gluten and casein in all processed foods.

Beans are gluten-free and casein-free, and they are a source of both protein and iron. The National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse explains that every type of beans, whether black beans, pinto beans, white beans or garbanzo beans, are naturally free of gluten and casein. Again, it is important to make sure that no additives are included if the beans are canned or from a dehydrated and packaged mix.

Since people on the gluten-free, casein-free diet cannot eat wheat or dairy, including milk, cheese, butter and yogurt, protein options are limited. Eggs can replace dairy because they are rich in protein but contain no gluten or casein, according to Autism Web. Eggs also can replace oatmeal or cereal for breakfast.

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Ideas for a Gluten-Free Diet

A gluten-free diet may initially seem like a hardship, but it can actually be an opportunity to explore foods other than the mainstream processed options on the shelves of most grocery stores. In addition to the health benefits of tailoring your diet to accommodate a gluten allergy, a gluten-free diet can provide the impetus to cook from scratch and prepare tasty, healthy meals.
Fruits and Vegetables

Your gluten-free diet can include a wealth of fruits and vegetables. Enjoy vegetables raw in salads or with dips, such as tahini (sesame paste) or seasoned sour cream. Lightly steam vegetables, such as zucchini and asparagus, by chopping them into bite-sized pieces, cooking them for a few minutes in a steamer basket and then seasoning them with oil and vinegar. Saute leafy greens in olive oil along with garlic, shallots, leeks or onions. Eat fruits like strawberries, apples and peaches without any preparation except a quick rinse. Look for perfectly ripe fruit for optimum flavor. You can also prepare fruit compotes by stewing fruit on low heat in just enough juice to keep them from sticking to the pan. Sweeten them to suit your taste, and cook the mixture for about 10 minutes, or until the fruit starts to break down. Thicken the compote by sprinkling in a few teaspoons of rice flour, and then eat it by itself or over ice cream.
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Screening Processed Foods

Many food companies now offer gluten-free products, and many other grocery products contain no gluten even though they may not specifically be labelled as gluten-free. Read ingredient labels closely when shopping at mainstream grocery stores. Get to know which grains contain gluten, such as wheat, barley and rye, and which grains are gluten-free, such as rice and quinoa. Look at labels to see if foods contain these grains. Many might surprise you, such as soy sauce and malt, both of which contain gluten via a grain unless otherwise specified. There are also preservatives, such as hydrolyzed vegetable protein and caramel color, that may contain gluten, so choose products that do not contain these ingredients. Educate yourself as to what contains gluten and what does not by going to Gluten-Free Living's website and reading up on ingredients.
Meat and Dairy

Meat is naturally gluten-free, provided you buy it in an unadulterated form, such as ground beef or cuts that have not been previously seasoned or doctored to make foods such as meatballs, which may contain bread crumbs. Similarly, chicken and fish are gluten-free, provided they have not been breaded. You can bread your own fish or meat by using a gluten-free grain, such as corn meal. Dairy products also contain no gluten, although you should check ingredients labels for any products that contain more ingredients than a basic dairy product, such as chocolate milk or fruity yogurt.

Dr. Oz Diet


Dr. Mehmet Oz, vice-chair and professor of surgery at Columbia University, is a heart surgeon, a researcher, an author and a talk-show host. According to The Dr. Oz Show website, your focus should be on maintaining a healthy lifestyle with quality food choices and moderate exercise. Dr. Oz also has some tips on what to avoid eating and what to include in your diet to live life to the fullest.
The Basics

According to Discovery Health, a site by cable TV's Discovery Channel, Dr. Oz's book, "You: On a Diet," suggests you should understand that waist measurement is more important than weight; you should know how your body works; you should try to stay satisfied; and you should know it's OK to make mistakes. In addition, Dr. Oz suggests picking only one meal each day to alter; reading food labels to know what you're eating; and choosing healthy foods with fiber, good fats, whole grain carbs, proteins, fruits and vegetables. Dr. Oz says eating throughout the day will prevent starvation eating.
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What to Eat

Forgo the packaged foods aisles at the grocery store and head straight to the produce section. Fruits and vegetables are necessary for a healthy life. Dr. Oz says, "People who eat breakfast every day are thinner." He suggests this lifestyle change: Eat a small variety of the same things every day for breakfast. Choices should be healthy, like steel-cut oats, whole grain cereals or an egg-white omelet. Also, find a few lunch options that are satisfying and stick with them. Enjoy variety at dinner time, he says.
Foods to Avoid

In his research, Dr. Oz discovered certain foods that quicken the aging process. In his diet plan he suggests avoiding these foods: sugar, high-fructose corn syrup, white flour, saturated fats and hydrogenated oils. The Dr. Oz Show website says you should ban these five ingredients from your diet forever.

According to The Dr. Oz Show website, if you want to lose weight and keep it off, cut back by only 100 calories each day. This will allow you to lose 1 lb. per month. Dr. Oz claims that this is a dietary change that most people can sustain for a lifetime. Dr. Oz suggests adding cinnamon or red pepper flakes to your food to help decrease your appetite. Another secret for weight loss: Start with a smaller plate. He claims you'll eat 33 percent less food.
Physical Fitness

Dr. Oz suggests four physical activities to stay fit: Walk at least 30 minutes every day; build muscle by lifting weights 30 minutes weekly; get sweaty for at least 60 minutes each week; and stretch to avoid injury. He notes these are simple activities that cost nothing and require no equipment.

According to, Dr. Oz believes the United States is the fattest nation in the world because of poor diet and sedentary lifestyles. Dr. Oz's focus is on helping people discover a lifestyle plan that focuses on living longer, feeling younger and becoming smarter about taking care of their bodies. The Dr. Oz approach is not as much about losing weight as it is taking care of your body with weight loss as an added benefit.

Tips on Getting a Flat Stomach

The health benefits of losing excess belly fat are even more important than wanting to show off your midriff. The Mayo Clinic notes that excess belly fat is an indicator of too much visceral fat which increases your risk of heart disease, high blood-pressure, diabetes and cancer. Losing your spare tire takes dedication to a healthy diet that is low in saturated fat and includes daily cardiovascular and strength training. Reducing your stress level will also help you achieve your flat belly goals faster, according to the Mayo Clinic.
Drink Water

The body is made up of mostly water and requires water to help it function properly. Water keeps your body temperature at the correct level, helps keep your metabolism stable and keeps toxins flushed from your system. Choosing water to drink over sugar sodas, juices and alcohol saves your hundreds of calories a day and helps decrease your appetite. The Science Daily website suggests drinking water 20 to 30 minutes prior to a meal to help keep you from overeating. There are several schools of thought regarding how much water you should drink. One easy way to determine your daily water requirement is to drink half your body weight in ounces. That means that a 140-lb. person would need 70 oz. of water each day, according to the Science Daily website.
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Eat Almonds

Almonds are high in monounsaturated fatty acids and help the body burn fat in the abdominal area, according to a study published in a 2007 edition of the "Journal For Diabetes Care." A handful of almonds, about 10, has only 69 calories, is 13 percent protein, 14 percent carbohydrates and provides 73 percent essential fatty acids. Almonds also have a high content of fiber, making them an excellent high energy, fat-burning and very filling snack.
Eat Eggs

Eggs have been described as a perfect protein source. Eggs have a perfect balance of essential amino acids, the protein building blocks the body needs for healthy brain function and muscle building. Eggs are also low in calories and because of their protein-to-fat ratio, which keeps you feeling full longer. If you have high cholesterol you should leave out the yoke, and check with your doctor prior to adding eggs to your diet, according to Fitness Magazine.
Do Cardio

To burn calories effectively and get rid of unwanted fat, you must burn more calories than you consume. Cardiovascular exercise accelerates the heart rate and heats the body for a high-calorie burn. Doing 30 minutes of cardio exercise every day will help you drop overall body fat faster. Walking, running, jogging, dancing and cycling are effective cardiovascular workouts.
Work Your Abs

Abdominal exercises will not get rid of the extra fat around your belly, but they will tighten and tone your belly. An effective abs routine should work the entire core. You must work the abdominals, back, hips and pelvic muscles for the best results. If crunches bore you, try mixing it up with some standing core exercises, such as victory lunges. Begin the victory lunge standing. Hold your arms straight overhead and keep your feet shoulder-width apart. Lunge forward with your right leg, knee bent at a 90-degree angle, keeping the left leg straight. Lean forward and bring your arms behind you as you engage your core. Push back into your starting position and repeat on the opposite side.

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Cooked Cabbage Diet


The cooked cabbage diet, also called the cabbage soup diet, is used as a quick weight loss method.
According to, the cabbage diet dates back to the early 1900s and resurfaced during the 1950s, 1980s and 1990s. Dolly Parton, TWA stewardesses and fashion models are among those who have advocated the diet. Check with your doctor or nutritionist before starting the cooked cabbage diet to determine whether it is appropriate for you.

Eating a restrictive diet with large quantities of cabbage can help you lose a large amount of weight in a short period. In fact, reports that users may lose 10 to 17 pounds during the first week of the cabbage diet. When you stop following the diet, you can still eat cabbage as part of your daily diet to help keep weight off.
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According to Nutrition Data, one cooked head of cabbage contains 290 calories, with only 6 of those derived from fat. One head of cabbage also has 24 g fiber, 35 g sugar, 16 g protein and 70 g carbohydrates. Cabbage is low in fat and sodium, containing only 1 g fat and 101 mg sodium in a cooked head. Nutrition Data reports that cabbage contains high levels of magnesium, phosphorous, folate, manganese, thiamine, potassium and calcium, as well as vitamins B6, C and K.

Because of its low calories and high fiber content, cooked cabbage can help you keep full without consuming too many calories. Eating fewer calories over time will help you lose weight. In fact, the Nutrition Data website gives cabbage a five out of five-star rating for weight loss.

Learning Info reports that eating cabbage regularly may help reduce a woman's risk for breast cancer, because of its isothiocyanate content.

Boil a head of cabbage in water without salt. Cook the cabbage approximately one hour for leaves that are slightly crisp, or less for crisper leaves. Lengthy cooking may affect nutritional value. Once the leaves are cooked, drain the water from the cabbage and serve.

You can make a soup out of the cabbage by adding chicken broth or bouillon cubes, water, onions, mushrooms, celery, peppers, carrots, spinach and tomatoes. explains that those who follow the cabbage diet can eat fresh fruit or limited quantities of brown rice.

Nutrition Data warns that the majority of the calories from cabbage are derived from sugar. Too much sugar in your system can turn into fat, and can be detrimental if you have an endocrine condition like diabetes or thyroid disease. According to, this type of diet carries a risk of side effects such as excessive gas, dizziness and light-headedness. Also, losing a significant amount of weight quickly increases the risk of weight gain once you stop the diet.

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Abs Diet for Women


The Abs Diet for Women is a spin-off of the Abs Diet book, written by David Zinczenko. The Abs Diet is a quick plan to help you change your eating habits while learning how to perform short and effective exercises to help tone your abdomen. MSNBC explains that the Abs Diet for Women may be a solution for people who have struggled with belly fat and have failed while using other programs.

This type of diet can purportedly help shrink your stomach, because you avoid eating empty calories which add bulk to your waistline. Users eat six meals a day while on the Abs Diet in order to prevent deprivation and to increase metabolism. The Abs Diet is a relatively quick plan, consisting of only six weeks. Still, the healthy eating habits and exercise plans you learn while on the diet can be incorporated into a lifelong lifestyle.
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The Abs Diet for Women advocates the consumption of 12 foods, also referred to as "power foods." According to MSNBC, these foods include olive oil, whey protein powder, peanut butter, low-fat dairy products, lean meats, almonds, berries, legumes, beans, whole grain breads, eggs, oatmeal and green leafy vegetables such as spinach. Such foods help your body burn fat, are relatively low in calories, and help keep you full longer.

Exercising plays an important role in getting rid of body fat, particularly around the stomach. However, the Abs Diet does not advocate abdominal exercises alone as a way to shrink your waistline. In fact, That's Fit reports that exercising is optional during weeks one and two of the diet, although it is mandatory during the remaining weeks. Exercises are not time-consuming, and focus on increased intensity in a short amount of time. According to MSNBC, circuit training and exercises that work multiple muscle groups at once are the focus of the Abs Diet.

The Abs Diet for Women allows you to eat out as long as you try to eat the 12 recommended foods. It may be difficult to eat the recommended six meals a day, depending on your schedule. According to That's Fit, the Abs Diet is not vegetarian-friendly, because you are encouraged to eat ample amounts of fish, eggs and lean meats. You can also drink alcohol, but That's Fit reports there is a limit of three beverages per week.

That's Fit explains that the Abs Diet is more flexible than other types of fad diets. Therefore, users are more likely to stick with the diet. You can use the Abs Diet on your own without having to commit to time-consuming meetings and gym memberships. Also, you purchase your own food, which is often less expensive than purchasing diet foods from a company.

Effective weight loss on the Abs Diet for Women, as on any other diet, takes time. That's Fit states that it is unlikely you will have a perfectly toned abdomen after using this diet for six weeks. Still, the principles of the diet are effective long-term lifestyle habits. Regular and challenging workouts will help shed fat and build lean muscle while healthy and satiating foods will help your body stay that way while providing adequate nutrition.

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From vitamins and minerals to disease-fighting antioxidants, raw fruits and vegetables offer a plethora of nutrients to boost your health. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, consuming fresh produce may help protect you against many types of pervasive health conditions. Although a diet consisting exclusively of fruits and vegetables may be too restrictive to maintain permanently, a short-term raw food diet can expedite weight loss and give your body a break from the processed foods that fill most modern menus.

A raw fruit and vegetable diet consists chiefly of fresh, uncooked fruits and vegetables. As the Living and Raw Foods website explains, raw food diets eschew any items cooked above 116 degrees F, so steamed, boiled, baked or otherwise heated fruits and vegetables are not a part of this eating plan. Possible fruits to consume include bananas, mangoes, papaya, melons, citrus, apples, pears, berries, nectarines, apricots, peaches, grapes, pineapple and other in-season varieties; vegetables include bell peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, celery, carrots, radishes, broccoli, cauliflower, seaweeds, leafy green vegetables and other varieties that are edible in their raw state. Raw fruit and vegetable diets may also permit juices and smoothies made from fresh produce, and some versions of the diet allow additional raw foods such as nuts, seeds, nut butters and sprouts.
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People may choose to follow a raw fruit and vegetable diet to lose weight, have increased energy, improve immune function and give their bodies a break from processed ingredients and food additives. Because a raw fruit and vegetable diet contains no animal products or byproducts, some people may adopt this eating regimen as a form of animal rights activism.

Because fruits and vegetables are packed with fiber and water, these foods have a low energy density and can keep you full with relatively few calories--which can help you shed unwanted pounds and reach a healthier weight. As the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention explains, people who eat diets rich in fruits and vegetables have a lower risk of developing chronic diseases like cancer and heart disease, and the wide range of nutrients in fresh produce--including folate, potassium, vitamin C, vitamin A and antioxidants--can boost your immune system and keep your body running optimally.

Although a fruit and vegetable diet offers several short-term perks, a diet consisting only of these foods may fail to provide key nutrients needed for long-term health. Protein, essential fatty acids, iron, zinc, vitamin B12 and vitamin D may be chronically low or absent from vegan diets that omit grains, legumes, nuts and fortified foods, notes the American Heart Association. Consult with a health professional before drastically altering your diet, and consider supplementing with missing nutrients if you plan to eat an uncooked cuisine for an extended length of time.

Uncooked foods can harbor disease-causing pathogens, and a diet of raw fruits and vegetables may increase your risk of food-borne illness. According to the National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse, raw produce such as lettuce, tomatoes, sprouts, spinach and melons can carry E. coli, Salmonella and Shigella, bacteria that can lead to symptoms such as abdominal cramps, fever, dehydration, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Freezing and refrigeration can slow the growth of illness-causing bacteria, but only cooking is capable of destroying them. Unpasteurized juices may be particularly likely to harbor pathogens.

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According to the ADA there has been a 39 percent increase in obese teenagers. This is due to many factors, although upbringing is a predominant influence. With two obese parents there is an 80 percent chance that a teen will be obese; with one parent, 40 percent; and with lean parents only a 10 percent chance.

Weight management is about long-term work with success that will last a lifetime. People who lose weight quickly by "crash" dieting or other extreme measures usually gain it all back or gain even more of the pounds they lost because they haven't changed their eating habits. The best weight management strategies are those that you can maintain.

Be aware of what you drink
It's amazing how many extra calories are in sodas , juices and other drinks. Cutting out soda completely can save you 360 calories or more each day. Avoid diet soda too, the artificial sweeteners tend to make some people hungry. Drink a lot of water. Switching from whole to nonfat or low-fat milk, soy milk or other sugar-free beverages is also a good idea.

Move your body
You may find that you don't need to give up calories as much as you need to get off your behind. Try a variety of activities, such as hiking , cycling or rowing until you find ones you like. Even the smallest lifestyle changes like walking to school or jogging up and down the stairs a couple of times before your morning shower can really make a difference. Your goal should be to work up to 30 minutes of aerobic exercise at least 3 to 5 times a week, but it's fine to start out by simply taking a few turns around the block before bed.

Start small
Drastic changes are much harder to stick with than small changes. Try reducing the size of the portions you eat and giving up regular soda for a week. Once you have that down, start gradually introducing healthier foods and exercise into your life.

Stop eating when you're full
Lots of teens eat when they're bored, lonely or stressed, or keep eating long after they're full simply out of habit. It takes about 20 minutes for your brain to recognize how much is in your stomach, so if you slow down it will prevent you from eating more than you need. Take a break before refilling your plate for seconds, and avoid eating when you feel upset or bored.

Eat less more often
Many people find that eating a couple of small snacks throughout the day helps them to make healthy choices at meals. Stick a couple of healthy snacks (carrot sticks, a low fat granola bar, pretzels or a piece of fruit) in your backpack so that you can have one or two snacks during the day. Adding healthy snacks to your three squares and eating smaller portions when you sit down to dinner can help you cut calories without feeling deprived.

Five a day keeps the pounds away
Trash the junk food and buy lots of fruits and vegetables!

Avoid fad or prepackaged diets
If we were meant to eat from cans, they'd grow on trees. It's never a good idea to trade meals for shakes or to give up a food group in the hope that you'll lose weight. We all need a variety of foods to stay healthy. Avoid diet pills (even the over-the-counter or herbal variety) unless your doctor prescribes them.

Don't banish certain foods
Don't tell yourself you'll "never" eat your absolute favorite peanut butter chocolate ice cream or a bag of potato chips . Making these foods forbidden is sure to make you want them even more. Besides, you need to have some fat in your diet to stay healthy, so giving up all fatty foods all the time isn't a good idea anyway. The key to long-term success is making healthy choices most of the time. If you want a piece of cake at a party, go for it! But munch on the carrots rather than the chips to balance it out later in the evening.

Forgive yourself
So you were going to have one cracker with cheese on it and the next thing you know, the box is empty? Drink some water, brush your teeth and move on. Everyone who's ever tried to lose weight has found it challenging. When you slip up, the best idea is to get right back on track and don't look back. Avoid telling yourself that you'll get back on track tomorrow or next week or after New Year's. Start now.

Being healthy is really about being at the right weight for you . The best way to find out if you are at a healthy weight or if you need to lose or gain weight is to talk to a health care provider or registered dietitian, an RD. He or she can help you set realistic goals.

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The Importance Of A Vegetarian Diet

"Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet."
- Albert Einstein

This site covers the nutritional and dietary guidelines presented by the mainstream to the general population. So when vegetarian diets have a direct effect on a persons state of health, it has been noted. For example in the Vitamins chapter there is mention of the fact that a strict vegetarian may need to supplement B12.

Although it is becoming more popular, either for moral or health reasons, a vegetarian diet still seems to have a strange stigma attached to it.

Hundreds of millions of people are vegetarian (eg. Hindus for religious reasons); more health professionals are discouraging the consumption of animal fats and red meats, that have been shown to increase the chance of obesity, cancer and other diseases; and the environmentalists who know that much of the limited resources, on Planet Earth, are wasted by converting them to meat.

* It takes 2,500 gallons of water, 12 pounds of grain, 35 pounds of topsoil and the energy equivalent of one gallon of gasoline to produce one pound of feedlot beef.
* 70% of US grain production is fed to live stock.
* 5 million acres of rain forest are felled every year in South and Central America alone to create cattle pasture.
* Roughly 20% of all currently threatened and endangered species in the US are harmed by livestock grazing
* Animal agriculture is a chief contributor to water pollution. America's farm animals produce 10 times the waste produced by the human population.
* There are sound reasons for health, ethically, and ecologically to be vegetarian. There is nothing strange about being vegetarian.


Vegetarian, the belief in and practice of eating exclusively vegetable foods and abstaining from any form of animal food.

To what extent this definition applies, in reality varies, what it refers to is a strict vegetarian or a vegan. Lacto-vegetarians include milk and other dairy products in their diet. Lacto-ovovegetarians eat milk, dairy products and eggs. Those who eat fish are not vegetarian.

Stepping Up to the Plate with The Fresh Diet!

Oscar Wilde may have written The Importance of Being Earnest, but loyal Fresh Diet customer Trevor Kensey wrote his latest blog post about the earnest importance of plating your food. Even though our fresh, gourmet meals are delivered to his door each day in small plastic containers that would be quite easy to eat out of, Trevor makes the extra effort to actually plate the food and try to make it look as nice as possible. We think Trevor may be on to something, here! He is certainly dishing up some good advice. Check out Trevor’s blog for the complete article. Thanks for stepping up to the plate to share your advice, Trevor. We think you hit this one out of the park!

Trevor Kensey is writing his own success story with The Fresh Diet. You can do the same. Sign up to have our fresh, gourmet meals delivered. (Plates not included.

Salads For Weight Loss Diet

Salads are one of the best foods that you can prepare especially if you are on a weight loss routine. There are several varieties of salads that you can choose from. They can be vegetable salad; legumes; green salad, pasta salad and a combination of greens and meats. While many would prefer to have plain greens, there are also those who are conscious in their protein needs so they would prefer greens and meats. An example of this is chicken salad. But do you know that chicken salad is also great with fruits and mint? Try this delicious and adventurous recipe of minted chicken salad.

Since we are aiming for a recipe that fits your weight loss routine, here are the ingredients that you need to create a luxurious minted chicken salad:

1-1/2 cups vanilla yogurt

2 Tablespoon finely chopped fresh mint OR 2 drops mint extract

1/2 cup mayonnaise

1/4 cup honey

2 Tablespoon raspberry vinegar

1 pound box fratelli pasta

2 cups asparagus, cut into 2" pieces

1 pound cooked chicken, cubed

4 cups strawberries, halved

baby spinach leaves

fresh raspberries

To create the dressing for the minted chicken salad, find a medium-sized bowl and mix the yogurt, mint, mayonnaise, honey, and vinegar until evenly blended. Set the dressing aside. On the other hand, get a large stock pot and bring water to boil. When the water starts boiling, add fratelli pasta and cook as instructed in the label. During the last five minutes the pasta cooks, add asparagus. Remove from fire and drain the pasta when it is tender and the asparagus, crispy. Stir in dressing gently. Add chicken and strawberries and toss gently. Place salad in refrigerator for a minimum of two hours to a maximum of one day. Once ready to serve, place salad atop spinach and garnish with fresh raspberries.

Get refreshed after your weight loss exercise in the gym with this zesty and refreshing minted chicken salad recipe. Not only you will feel great as it is delicious but also it helps you lose weight too.

Salads are great for a healthy diet. Help detoxify your body by eating foods rich in fibers like salad!

Riza C. Belgira is health enthusiast and an advocate of strengthening women's health and well-being through informative health resources and articles.

Angelina Jolie Diet - Hollywood's Secret Weight Loss Diet!

There were recent speculations that for the film Tomb Raider, star Angelina Jolie adapted to several unhealthy eating regimen in order to lose weight & gain muscles, such as anorexia & bulimia. The starlet put down all the rumors and came out with a diet regime that is rated 9.5 over 10 by several diet & health experts in the industry. To begin let us understand the targets of this weight loss regime:

o It is not all about reducing to size 2. Angelina wants to pass on a message that you can look beautiful & healthy even without becoming skinny.
o You need not deprive yourself of anything. You can have everything but in moderation.
o Eat well but burn all the calories with a planned work out.

Now here are her diet secrets:

o She earlier never took breakfast. The mornings started with a cigarette & coffee. In this diet regime she had to quit all these bad habits. To mention a few - coffee, smoking, alcohol, etc.
o She had an absolute no sugar diet.
o She took lot of soy milk.
o The menu now comprised of several organic foods. The highlights are as follows:

-Organic salmon along with tomatoes
-Brown bread & herbs in breakfast
-Mackerel or grilled fresh tuna along with watercress
-Spinach tomatoes for dinner or lunch
-Fresh vegetables
-Steamed Sea Bass
-Steamed Beef
-Steamed Vegetables

o Regarding the schedule of these meals, she took 6 well spaces out meals all comprising of high protein content along with low carbs & low-med fats.

-Street fighting
-Scuba diving
-Sword fighting
-Spear throwing
-Dog sledding
-Bungee jumping

o Now, coming to the work out sessions, these included many weapon trainings and others stunts that were necessary for the starlet to do her action scenes in the film. To list a few these were:

-Street fighting
-Scuba diving

Carnie’s Corner: Our Celebrity Spokesperson Prepares to Strut Her Stuff on the Red Carpet!

Hello Fellow Fresh Diet Lovers!

It’s Carnie Wilson with some great news! I have now lost 13 pounds by following The Fresh Diet, and I am just delighted about that. I have been really enjoying my food every single day, and people keep asking me about The Fresh Diet when they see my duffle bag of food. Everyone is amazed when I tell them that the food from The Fresh Diet and is delivered to me every day, and it is always FRESH… that’s the keyword here, folks.

Right now, it is more challenging than ever to get my 5-year-old daughter Lola to eat her veggies. She keeps watching my husband Ron and I eat this glorious, fresh food. The miracle is that she tasted the pureed squash and peas! I am confident that she will join Rob and I in eating these vegetables soon. Oh well! At least she loves the Turkey Meatballs from The Fresh Diet. I do share them with her!

This is a big month coming up for me. I have a set a personal goal to lose 3-7 more pounds by June 27th. As you may know, I have been nominated for an Emmy for Outstanding Host of a Game Show and will be walking down the red carpet. Thank God I have already lost 13 pounds and feel so much better. This program is a life saver, and it is a great security for me to know that my food is taken care of. Especially since I am spending lots of time in the studio with Wendy and Chynna to record our first Christmas album! We have been putting in long hours and lots of hard work! Everyone at the recording studio wants my Fresh Diet food.

Ok, I better get back to work. So, I will talk to you all next month. Until then, eat well and be well… like me.



P.S. The honey almond cheesecake is my GUILT-FREE PLEASURE!

Carnie Wilson is enjoying The Fresh Diet, and you can, too! Give yourself the celebrity treatment you deserve

Fish Diet

A fish diet is the ideal way to lose weight, combined with better health.

Fish - one of the few universal products that contain optimal set of vitamins and trace elements that enhance the immune system, heart. Fish - an excellent source of high quality protein, containing a large amount of essential amino acids that are perfectly assimilated at any age.

Fish diet lasts seven days, which would be to throw off 5.7 kilograms overweight. Throughout the seven days you will have to follow the same diet.

According to recent studies of independent groups of scientists from the U.S., Israel and England, the intensive consumption of products containing polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acids have a positive impact on the mental state of man. Helps fight depression and normalize the activity of the human brain. A large number of such acids found in fish. This explains the fact that people who eat fish every day, the least prone to sudden mood swings and depression.

From the dietary point of view of meat, much inferior to fish. In fish and meat contains approximately the same amount of protein. Here is just a fish protein, in contrast to the protein of meat, almost entirely absorbed by the body. This means that in the body after consumption of fish does not begin to accumulate toxins that poison the entire organism. In addition, fish contains much more vitamins, amino acids and other nutrients than any meat.


One boiled egg, apple, green tea.

Second breakfast

200 grams of cooked lean fish, cucumber, a glass of carbonated mineral water.


200 grams of cooked lean fish, lettuce, 150 grams of fat-free cottage cheese, green tea

Free Weight Loss Plan, Diet Recipes Online

When selecting a weight loss plan, make sure you are consuming a balanced and complete diet. Your assignment is to set realistic and attainable weight loss and diet goals. Start by following the simple guidelines below.

Nutritional and Weight Loss Plan Guidelines

1. Commit to consuming 4 - 6 small meals and snacks everyday.

2. To succeed, you must plan ahead by packing your foods the night before. Thus, you should always have fresh and low-fat foods around.

3. Keep it simple. Don't get too caught up on the specifics or your diet. Start by simply just counting calories.

4. Eat your foods slower.

5. Make healthier food selections like fruits, vegetables, whole grain cereals, and beans, low-fat or nonfat dairy products, low fat meats, fish and skinless poultry.

6. Avoid foods that are high in fat and calories.

7. Avoid foods that are high in sugars such as pastries, candy bars, pies and candy.

8. Use a variety of fruits and vegetables in your nutrition plan. Start by trying to eat 5 total vegetable and fruit servings every single day.

Here is a sample weight loss plan (1400 calories).
Amount Item Protein Carbs Fats Calories
1 cup Milk - 1% 4.00 5.50 1.00 50.00
1 pack Oatmeal - instant pkt.,maple 4.50 31.60 2.10 152.00
Total: 8.50 37.10 3.10 202.00
AM Snack
1 each MetRx Bar 26.00 52.00 2.5 320.00
Total: 26.00 52.00 2.5 320.00
1 each Chicken sandwich - Wendy's grilled 24.00 37.00 13.00 340.00
12 ounces Coca cola- diet w/ caffeine 0.00 0.40 0.00 0.00
Total: 24.00 37.40 13.00 340.00
PM Snack
2 each Bread whole wheat -slice 6.00 24.00 2.00 140.00
2 tsp Mayo type reg, w/salt 0.32 8.42 11.77 137.37
2.5 ounces Tuna Solid White-Water small can 18.75 0.00 0.90 89.28
Total: 25.07 32.42 14.67 366.64
4 ounces Halibut - broiled 22.50 0.00 3.00 119.25
0.5 cup rice-white cooked steamed 3.00 31.00 0.00 82.00
0.5 cup Vegetables - mixed, frozen, boiled 2.60 11.90 0.10 54.00
Total: 28.10 42.90 3.10 255.25

Grand Total: 111.67 201.82 36.37 1483.89
Grocery List
Food Quantity
Bread whole wheat - slice 14 each
Chicken sandwich 7 each
Coca Cola - diet 84 ounces
Halibut - broiled 21 ounces
Mayo type, reg., w/salt 1 cup
MetRX Bar 7 each
Milk - 1% 7 cups
Oat meal - instant pkt., maple 7 packs
Rice - white cook steamed 3.5 cups
Tuna solid white - water can small 17.5 ounces
Vegetables - mixed, frozen, boiled 3.5 cups

Quick - Fast Weight Loss Diet (1300 Calorie)

When selecting a low fat diet plan, make sure you are consuming a balanced and complete diet. Your assignment is to set realistic and attainable weight loss and diet goals. Start by following the simple guidelines below.

Nutritional and Low Fat Diet Guidelines

1. Commit to consuming 4 - 6 small meals and snacks everyday.

2. To succeed, you must plan ahead by packing your foods the night before. Thus, you should always have fresh and low-fat foods around.

3. Keep it simple. Don't get too caught up on the specifics or your diet. Start by simply just counting calories.

4. Eat your foods slower.

5. Make healthier food selections like fruits, vegetables, whole grain cereals, and beans, low-fat or nonfat dairy products, low fat meats, fish and skinless poultry.

6. Avoid foods that are high in fat and calories.

7. Avoid foods that are high in sugars such as pastries, candy bars, pies and candy.

8. Use a variety of fruits and vegetables in your nutrition plan. Start by trying to eat 5 total vegetable and fruit servings every single day.

Here is a sample low fat diet plan (1300 calories).
Amount Item Protein Carbs Fats Calories
12 ounces coffee-w/caffeine 0.40 1.40 0.00 8.00
1 each Bagel-plain, Lenders Bake Shop 8.00 42.00 2.00 210.00
2 tbsp Peanut butter- creamy 8.60 5.70 16.40 190.00
1 tbsp Cream, fluid, half and half 0.44 0.65 1.73 19.55
Total: 17.44 49.74 20.12 427.55
AM Snack
1 each apple-medium with peel 0.30 21.10 0.0 81.00
Total: 0.30 21.10 0.0 81.00
3 ounces chicken breast/ white meat 26.40 0.00 3.00 140.25
12 ounces Coca cola- diet w/ caffeine 0.00 0.40 0.00 0.00
.25 cup Croutons-plain 9.00 5.50 0.50 30.50
1 large Salad-lrg. Garden w/tomato and onion 2.60 19.00 0.80 98.00
4 tbps Thousand island-reduced cal. Kraft 0.00 12.00 4.00 80.00
Total: 38.00 36.90 8.30 348.75
PM Snack
1 each apple-medium with peel 0.30 21.10 0.0 81.00
Total: 0.30 21.10 0.0 81.00
3 ounces chicken breast/ white meat 26.40 0.00 3.00 140.25
1 cup pasta, corn cooked 3.68 39.07 1.07 176.40
1 small salad-sm. Garden w/tomato, onion 1.30 9.50 0.40 49.00
2 tbps thousand island- reduced cal. Kraft 0.00 6.00 2.00 40.00
Total: 31.38 54.57 6.42 405.65

Grand Total: 87.43 183.42 34.85 1343.95
Grocery List
Food Quantity
Apple - medium with peel 14 each
Bagel - plain 7 each
Chicken Breast / White Meat 42 ounces
Coca Cola - diet 84 ounces
Cream, fluid, half and half 7 tablespoons
Croutons - plain 2 cups
Pasta, corn, cooked 7 cups
Peanut butter - creamy 14 table spoons
Salad - large garden 7 large
Salad - small garden 7 small
Thousand island - reduced cal. 42 table spoons

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Diet of Sweden

Many people probably now in Turkey to Sweden Sweden's diet comes to mind. Turkey in Europe is crazy diet applied the first time in Sweden Aylin corner Livaneli'nin was announced in the Milliyet newspaper. Thus, the broad mass of the Turkish people will be dragged behind a new and effective diet met. In two weeks, everyone who applied diet between 7 and 20 pounds was able to give. Moreover, the most important feature of the metabolic diet for 2 years is completely changed to ensure no weight taken. I personally get the impression, however, does not work I had no structure in my diet. Despite all the rules to comply with diet during the weight only 2 pounds my surplus 8th At the end of any given day, the diet left see. Nevertheless, positive results related to diet in close acquaintance with my eyes I saw in person. Now it's up to you. Do not forget the most important part of the diet, however, the following rules to follow. Rules 1. Moreover, tea, coffee and soft drinks should not be inside. 2. 2 liters of water a day to be inside. 3. Diet should not be continued more than 13 days. 4. Diet, but 6th You can cut a day. 5. Do not repeat a short period of 3 months in the diet. 6. Within the same day, lunch and dinner can be replaced. Referrals 1. Can not find karnıbahar can eat broccoli. 2. The influx of people with high cholesterol can eat eggs. 3. Measurement and quantification of the foods you can eat as you wish on condition not to exaggerate. 4. If heavy diet 6th 3 months later than 6 days per day cut is possible to implement. 1. day Morning: 1 cup coffee, 1 sugar cubes Lunch: 2 hard-boiled egg, 1 serving boiled spinach, 1 tomato Evening: 1 steak (200 grams,) olive oil and lemon green salad 2. day Morning: 1 cup coffee, 1 sugar cubes Lunch: 1 slice of salami, 100 grams yogurt Evening: 1 steak (200 grams), green salad, 1 fruit 3. day Morning: 1 cup coffee, 1 sugar cubes, 1 slice toast Lunch: Boiled spinach, 1 tomato, 1 fruit Evening: 2 hard-boiled egg, 1 slice of salami, green salad 4. day Morning: 1 cup coffee, 1 sugar cubes, 1 slice toast Lunch: 1 hard-boiled egg, 1 grated carrot, 250 grams of lean white cheese Evening: 2 slices of orange juice, 100 grams yogurt 5. day Morning: 1 large carrot rendelenmis (lemon) Lunch: Boiled fish oil (200 grams, lemony and buttery) Evening: 1 steak (200 grams), salad and broccoli 6. day Morning: 1 cup coffee, 1 sugar cubes Lunch: 2 hard-boiled egg, 1 large grated carrot Evening: Leather is already chicken (200 grams), salad 7. day Morning: Sugar tea Lunch: Grilled to (200 grams), fresh fruit Evening: Nothing 8. day Morning: 1 cup coffee, 1 will cut tab Lunch: 2 hard-boiled egg, 1 serving has been spinach, 1 tomato Evening: 1 steak (200 grams), olive oil and lemon green salad 9. day Morning: 1 cup coffee, 1 sugar cubes Lunch: 1 slice of salami, 100 grams yogurt Evening: 1 steak (200 grams), green salad, 1 fruit 10. day Morning: 1 cup coffee, 1 sugar cubes, 1 slice toast Lunch: Boiled spinach, 1 tomato, 1 fruit Evening: 2 hard-boiled egg, 1 slice of salami, green salad 11. day Morning: 1 cup coffee, 1 sugar cubes, 1 slice toast Lunch: 1 hard-boiled egg, 1 grated carrot, 250 grams of lean white cheese ASAM: 2 slices of orange juice, 100 grams yogurt 12. day Morning: 1 large carrot rendelenmis (lemon) Lunch: Boiled fish oil (200 grams, lemony and buttery) Evening: 1 steak (200 grams), salad and broccoli 13. day Morning: 1 cup coffee, 1 sugar cubes Lunch: 2 hard-boiled egg, 1 large grated carrot Evening: Leather is already chicken (200 grams), salad

"Hello Summer" of Diet

To get rid of more weight before the holidays, an opportunity for gold ... Nutrition and diet expert Gökçen double the 1.5 pounds per week to full the 'old diet ... Nutrition and diet experts Aysun - Murat Gokcen, more weight before the holidays for those wishing to get rid of the recommended diet for a week. As possible while feeding a mixed diet should remember the 1.5 pounds per week of Gokcen provides me the 7-day diet, as follows: 1. DAY: Hours 07.00 - 10.00 1 soft-boiled eggs 1 diet etimek 10:00 am - 14.00 1 chicken sandwich back 1 box buttermilk 14.00 - 18.00 1 glass of tomato juice 2 in gray Time 18:00 - 21.00 1 servings boiled mixed vegetables 1 bowl noodle soup Saat 21:00 'den sonra 1 glass milk 1 banana 2. DAY: Hours 07.00 - 10.00 Macar 2 slices of salami 1 thin slice of bread 10:00 am - 12.00 1 apple Saat 12.00 - 14.00 1 kaşarlı toast 1 box light ice - tea 14.00 - 16.00 1 servings potato salad (oil) Time 16:00 - 18.00 Half a pack biscuit diet 1 tomato Time 18:00 - 20.00 1 small bunch of grapes Time 20:00 - 22.00 1 leek pork dinner plate 1 bowl cacık 1 diet etimek Saat 22.00 'den sonra 1 banana 3. DAY: Hours 07.00 - 10.00 1 poğaça One sugar 1 cup of tea 10:00 am - 12.00 One sugar 1 cup of tea Saat 12.00 - 14.00 2 boiled carrots 1-cup yogurt 2 diet etimek 1 orange 14.00 - 18.00 1 cubic light kaşar cheese 1 diet etimek Time 18:00 - 20.00 1 small-sized fish çipura Shepherd's salad bowl 1 1 thin slice of bread Saat 20:00 'den sonra 1 apple 4. DAY: Hours 07.00 - 10.00 1 measure light kaşar cheese 1 diet etimek 10:00 am - 12.00 1 banana Saat 12.00 - 14.00 2 small boiled potatoes 1 glass milk 14.00 - 18.00 1 slice cake 1 cup of decaffeinated coffee Time 18:00 - 22.00 1 servings of mushroom saute 1 salad bowl season 3 diet etimek Time after 22'den 2 kiwi 5. DAY: Hours 07.00 - 10.00 1 teaspoon jam 1 diet etimek 10:00 am - 12.00 1 cup buttermilk Saat 12.00 - 14.00 1 hot dog 1 cup decaffeinated coffee with milk 14.00 - 18.00 1 pear 1 tea cup leblebi Time 18:00 - 20.00 2 small slices grilled steak 1 salad bowl season 1 diet etimek Saat 20:00 'den sonra 1 banana 6. DAY: Hours 07.00 - 10.00 1 apple 1 gray of the 10:00 am - 14.00 1 hamburger 1 box light soda - soda 14.00 - 18.00 2 sweet biscuits 1 glass milk Time 18:00 - 21.00 1 veal cutlet Shepherd's salad bowl 1 2 diet etimek Saat 21:00 'den sonra 1 glass of tomato juice 7. DAY: Hours 07.00 - 10.00 1 glass milk 1 gray of the 10:00 am - 14.00 1 plate, boiled carrots, squash, broccoli 350 grams yoghurt 1 thin slice of bread 14.00 - 18.00 1 egg 1 diet etimek Time 18:00 - 21.00 2 boiled sausage 1 medium size boiled potatoes 1 radish and red cabbage salad plate Saat 21:00 'den sonra 1 bowl of tatlandırıcılı quince compote

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Grape diet

Grape diet, season of change to meet the needs of the body a balanced diet and practice. Free of toxins and can give plenty of energy by storing 3 days 3 pounds, your body and life-changing weather conditions can prepare. Day 1 Grape nutrition program as a strict diet that you can detect. However, after the start of your chest, you'll notice that the so laborious. The most difficult obstacle to overcome, the first day. The second and third days will pass more easily be assured. Wake up, the 1 cup warm water Breakfast Grape juice 1 cup oatmeal + milk + 1 tablespoon honey Search meals 1 cup lukewarm water + 1 cup grape juice Afternoon and evening Grape juice 1 cup oatmeal + milk + 1 tablespoon honey Before bed 1 cup lukewarm water + 1 cup grape juice 2. Day You'll feel a little better than yourself today. Quite satisfactory, because the three main meals. To not feel swell, as a good long chew enjoy eating. Don 't give up, do not even have exceeded half way back, just one day remaining. Please note that you will finally win. Wake up, the 1 cup warm water Breakfast 1-cup boiled rice + 1 bowl of grapes + Boiled light yogurt and 1 tablespoon honey Search meals 1 cup warm water Afternoon and evening 1-cup boiled rice + 1 bowl of grapes + Boiled light yogurt and 1 tablespoon honey Afternoon 1 cup water Before bed 1 cup warm water 3. Day Your battle is finally over your chest Çetin palate. That it was not that difficult to obtain confession. As a result, weight has melted, your body is cleared and a new season would enter as free of toxins. Wake up, the 1 cup warm water Breakfast Chicken broth + 1 sandwich bread + 1 bunch grapes Search meals 1 cup warm water Afternoon and evening Chicken broth + 1 bunch grapes + white cheese (lunch) + grilled chicken (evening) + 1 sandwich bread Before bed 1 cup warm water

Family Diet

Breakfast options Six days of the week you wish to select from different alternatives. All of the total calorie breakfast rate only 250th I seem to hear what you said on the seventh day. Sunday (and possibly without much overshoot) as you prepare a breakfast table and enjoy the morning of the market. Corn flakes, fruit juice and yogurt: a small bowl mix the milk with corn flakes. A glass of orange juice and unsweetened yogurt with the smallest size for finished breakfast. Boiled eggs and toast: One boiled egg, a cup of unsweetened tea and toast beyazpeynirli lean. Of tomato taste: 1.2 slices of tomato slices ekmeği2 bran, 1 part water and one bardağıdomates water beyazpeynir. Breakfast sausage with a grill the size of the dog. Ham and the veal with lean kaşarpeynirinden Make a toast. Do not neglect a cup of unsweetened tea. The flavor of yogurt: a small yogurt containers, one banana and a slice toast with a cup of coffee without sugar. Fruit salad: kiwi Bşer pieces, one banana, one apple and two slices of watermelon mixed with the yogurt diet. Do not forget a cup of unsweetened tea. Zevkli dinner Tips on making diet bie a torture to make it first before you remove it to be a torture. Days with the most enjoyable meals make dinner together, enjoy. Certain vegetables and fruits to the evening of the week selected as the cure. Put yourself and your family without any limit as long as you fruit, vegetables to eat. However, the fruit of the shell of shellfish without soy ... Yemen to bite into an apple bite kütür kütür enjoy the crawl. We know that vegetables preferred by men is not particularly. then how about giving your fish a day? Provided, of course, to be grilled! more palatable to eat fish from the tracks already! in a delicious grilled fish to fish and eat with the whole family is not bad. Alternatives for Dinner Our dinner for fun you have three suggestions. Let cool to go to a try? Pasta with tomato cream sauce and yogurt: servings of 125 grams of a cream tomato sauce with cooked spaghetti mix. Parmesan cheese and pour over vegetables, season with the service availability. Meals can also receive the side of a small yogurt container. Pasta with basil sauce: 200 grams knot on top of pasta or auger Add basil. Pour over Parmesan cheese. vegetables to pasta next to obtain the service times. Mushrooms Celery: celery into four medium-sized games. 250 grams mushrooms, Italian pepper, tomato, Parsley chop the dill and mix. Add a teaspoon of sugar and liquid oil üzeirne the mix. from this mixture of celery into the mix by putting less water.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Chocolate diet

Breakfast: 1 teaspoon hazelnut paste 1 slice whole wheat or rye bread 2 as the preferred cheese karper Tomatoes, cucumber, green pepper Lunch: 1 portion of grilled chicken skewer or chicken breast 1 cup low-fat buttermilk salad Afternoon: 1 small chocolate bar or chocolate, or 1-cup chocolate pudding top small 4-5 Evening: 4-5 tablespoon olive oil 1 slice whole wheat or rye bread and vegetables to eat low-fat salad Call: 1 cup milk chocolate pieces 1 preferred fruit

Fruit diet

This diet is easy to apply, especially in hot days. Diet, especially those who want to give the average two pounds under consideration was prepared and 1000 calories per day is based on an energy purchases. However, those who want to give up more than two pounds, this program is not recommended. This diet is also free of toxins in the body, swelling of the lost and help make the skin is brighter. Morning An apricot, a peach, a cup of strawberries, half apple, half-liter mineral water, and the desire by the three - five spoons of sweetener using Prepare a bowl of fruit salad. That half of this salad you prepared to create your breakfast. Search meal The other half of the fruit salad Lunch Two or 60 grams of ham or chicken (grilled) A bowl yogurt A thin slice of bread A salad bowl (a sweet incense scratches are sweetened) Search meal Three - four pieces wholegrain crackers or biscuits Evening Four one tablespoon vegetable meat meal Two thin slices of bread A bowl yogurt One fruit

Salad with a Diet

Vitamin and mineral packed with colorful salads, each a different flavor. These hot days a good option to spend a healthy and weak. This diet consists of five meals. We will recommend any food meal may change. If you do not like that we have suggested, the menu you can choose another one. Salad diet is good also to indigestion. First day Morning 75 g black grapes, 120 grams of melon and half a papaya in a fruit salad Search meal Wholemeal bread is a slice of lean labne next parsley Lunch With green beans, lettuce salad to chicken-breasted, 100 grams green beans cut zone to zone, and eight - ten minutes in salted water to boil. One small onion to a fine mince. 75 grams lettuce pieces with your hands. Boiled the beans, onions and a salad bowl into a large sheep. Pour a tablespoon into the vinegar, sprinkle salt and pepper. Added to the 125 grams of boiled chicken salad göğüsünü previously acquired. Search meal One kiwi Evening With cucumber, cheese sandwich Second day Morning Two slices wholemeal bread with marmalade Search meal 150 grams skimmed yogurt Lunch Chief for a salad, half a unit frizzy salad, 50 grams of mozarella cheese, green pepper, one carrot and two of vinegar to the salad, olive oil, salt and peppers to season. Search meal 75 grams black grapes Evening For mushroom omelette, 200 grams small mushrooms, and mushrooms cut small insinuatingly kızartın a few minutes in a pan. Season with salt and pepper to. One egg, the two-tablespoon water and mix with three tablespoon parmesan cheese. Add dill and parsley in it. Add the mushrooms to the eggs, removed after five minutes of cooking. Third day Morning Wholemeal bread, a slice of cheese, tomato or cucumber next one Search meal 100 grams watermelon Lunch For peppery potato salad, 200 grams potatoes boiled twenty minutes, and the slicing. One red pepper and onion in a thin fresh potatoes with mince and a great place to bowl. In a tablespoon of vinegar, salt, black pepper and add parsley. Search meal 125 ml. fresh squeezed orange juice Evening A bowl light yogurt, four tablespoon boiled vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower or squash), and two slices of wholemeal bread Fourth day Morning Consisting of bran bread and tomato toast kaşarlı. Fresh squeezed orange juice next. Search meal 75 grams black grapes Lunch For mushroom salad, salad hub 200 to a fine mince. A tea spoon of salad oil, one tablespoon vinegar, salt, pepper and mustard, add a tea spoon. To 75 grams curly lettuce, mushrooms, and a four and a deep dish apple mince into fine publication. Put the salad on the belly. Next two can eat sesame and dried. Search meal 100 grams of tomato slices and a etimek Evening For radish salad with cheese, 40 grams skimmed cheese, 150 grams sliced cucumber and mix with a bunch doğranmış small red radish. In two tablespoon of vinegar, half teaspoon olive oil, add salt and pepper. You can eat a slice of wholemeal bread alongside. Fifth day Morning 100 grams of lean labne cheese, fine chopped red peppers mix half. Two slices of wholemeal bread peppery mixture that crawl. Search meal 250 ml. tomato juice Lunch Mustard sauce for salad, one egg to the boil. Has 50 grams of yoghurt, one teaspoon lemon juice and mix with a teaspoon of the mustard. And a salad of tomatoes, 50 grams curly little small doğrayın. The salad, tomato and egg sauce on the deep bowl and pour the sheep. Besides if you want to eat two whole wheat rusk. Search meal One kiwi Evening Mushroom sauce for pasta, the pasta boiled to 50 grams. 100 grams of mushrooms and onions in a little foresight and a teaspoon olive oil in a small cut kavurun. In 100 ml. Add tomatoes, water and light a fire pişirin. Pour over the mushroom sauce to cooked pasta. Sixth day Morning 200 grams milk 100 grams and 30 grams of crushed melon mix with oats. Search meal 200 grams skimmed yogurt, one banana and a kiwi fruit from the salad prepared. Lunch For mango salad, half a mango pieces, one onion and cucumber with thin cut to 150 grams. 75 grams of lettuce and wash your hands parts. Put all these materials deep rough. In two tablespoon of vinegar, add salt and pepper. You can eat two slices of fried bread, bran next. Search meal Was 125 grams, 200 grams of yoghurt with strawberry mix little by little have been butchered. Evening For Tonbalıklı tomato salad, 300 grams of tomatoes, one onion slice and a bowl of flaked koyun. Add 75 grams of tuna inside. Salad a tablespoon vinegar, one tablespoon olive oil, season with salt and pepper to. Seventh day Morning 150 grams of black grapes, a glass of skim milk and mix five cornflakesle tablespoon. Search meal One apple Lunch Ispanaklı tomato salad 40 grams, boiled in salt water to the bow tie pasta. 75 grams, 150 grams of spinach and tomato pasta with a fine mince and mix the strain. In a teaspoon sliced green olives, salt, pepper and olive oil, add a tea spoon. Search meal 150 grams strawberries Evening For rocket salad, 50 grams of the rocket, one 30 gram cube cubes and chop the boiled chicken breast with sour apple mix. Abundant in lemon juice, salt, black pepper and add olive oil.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Cellulite in the end

Almost all women from the nightmare they do you do to get rid of cellulite ...

One of the biggest fears of women with weight gain or with age, which is cellulite. Male and female body and women are structurally different to the period of pregnancy and prepare to be spout of fat tissue is greater. In this period, more fat is stored in the body for the baby. So women naturally have more body fat which is a necessity. Besides, the weight problems and menapozla to increase the body's fatty tissue begins.

Cellulitis right nutritional requirements for

Every woman, regardless of the weight cellulite can occur. The reason for this is the most important factor among the genetic structure. So your mother should keep in mind that you created in your body will change his or her share should think. Nutrition and physical activity outside of your genetics and your body fat as factors affecting your. If you are a still lot of life and may have weight problems and cellulite.

Food weight as fat on your nutrition if water consumption is less we do not consume enough fruits and vegetables is likely to show the beginning of cellulite. A balanced diet plan should be plenty of fruit and vegetables. From fried foods, chocolate, wafers, chips, fatty foods, such as very small amounts of fat intake by consuming lower levels must keep your butter. Increased body fat in the cellulite tissues are formed due to the reduction of water. Therefore you must increase your daily water consumption. Every day, Be sure to drink at least 2-2.5 lt of water.

Cellulite you need to do this for only 1-2 weeks is not a strict diet program, or what happens when you stop dieting? Unfortunately, a 'DIET' not always pay attention to eating habits and sports have to create the shape.

Water for

Eat fiber foods (fruits, vegetables)

Avoid excessive salt

Avoid fatty and sugary foods

Quit or decrease smoking and alcohol

Make sports.

Easy slimming tips

If you want to lose weight this basic information to facilitate your work Be sure to read

Dilara Koçak those who want to weaken to a dietician to reach the target should implement the rules says. These methods easily converting your lifestyle you can lose weight!

Make meals more quickly weakened to 3 to 3 major
Amounts consumed on a daily basis will be set 6 days by trying to eat less and often. Try not to stay open for more than 3 hours that do not have fluctuations in your blood sugar. To avoid crises Snack, sweetheart, to increase your metabolic rate and help to lose weight is easy.

Attention to food eaten late
Days longer than that for late registration are at dinner. However in this period of late attention to the need to snack because our bodies, especially at night, snacks made more difficult so it burns fat to turn into what we eat is likely. Physical activity at least in the night time snack of choice is to be made, low energy and abundant life Çeri containing tomatoes, cucumber, carrot, celery stalk like to feature food is better in terms of calorie intake.

Move start
Air temperature of the rainy weather and sports to avoid making a pretext to end the season! For this, you can walk in the open air by taking plenty of oxygen. Or most suitable for you, you will enjoy another activity can lead; as long as they act. We suggest that your cardio-style workout on an empty stomach so you'll have to do the morning of blood found in the amount of free fatty acids is higher, are ready to be burned and in this case had more fat you will burn. Of course, the duration of the activity is also important. Normally you start to exercise 18 to 22 minutes then starts burning fat because of the large oil tank to become small fatty acids is through this process. The possibility to make non-sports from morning up to 1 hour after dinner to play sports and will be appropriate.

To lighten lighter diet
Be sure to consume whole-grain products. To limit fat intake instead of frying or roasting grill, steam, boil or oven methods prefer. Antioxidant and vitamin-mineral to meet your needs in different colors of fruit and vegetables consumed up to 5 -7 servings. Milk, yogurt and cheese to consume low-fat ones to practice. Take the chicken meat and visible fat, do not consume this part. When cooking vegetables, or legumes 1 kilogram to 2 tablespoons oil to add. Add salad to your lunch and evening meals, but that only 1 teaspoon of olive oil as dressing, use lemon and vinegar.

Water, water, water,
In this period, which we need to sweat along with the liquid is increased up to 2-2.5 lt of water consumed is important. In fact, everyone knows, but either a transition or forget about water consumption. Please do not expect water to thirsty to eat, when you feel thirst your body is 1 percent water loss occurred. Excessive water loss of concentration and memory difficulties creates blur.
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