Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Healthy Gluten Free Diet


Increasing numbers of people are following a gluten-free diet, which eliminates the grains wheat, barley and rye. Some have been diagnosed with celiac disease, in which the gluten protein literally destroys the lining of the small intestine. And others simply have found that a gluten-free diet helps to keep a health complaint, such as an achy back or migraine headaches, at bay. Regardless of why you're eating gluten free, some simple tips can make the gluten-free diet a very healthy way of eating.

The first step to eating a healthy gluten-free diet is eliminating gluten. But eating gluten free isn't as simple as just eliminating breads and pastas. Gluten can hide in places you'd never expect it. For example, dietitian Tricia Thompson, who specializes in counseling celiac disease patients, notes that processed foods such as soups, bouillon, rice mixes and seasoned varieties of nuts and potato chips often contain gluten ingredients. Despite its name, soy sauce almost always contains wheat as its first ingredient. Those following the gluten-free diet must learn to read labels carefully to avoid gluten.

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Balanced Gluten Free Diet


The increasingly popular gluten-free diet eliminates all foods containing three grains: wheat, barley, and rye. Some people find it difficult to eat a well-balanced diet while following the gluten-free diet because whole grain products that don't contain those three grains can be tricky to find. But if you take a little more time to carefully construct menus and prepare fresh foods, it's possible to eat a balanced gluten-free diet.

Wheat, barley and rye contain the protein gluten. People who have been diagnosed with celiac disease, a condition in which gluten attacks their small intestines, must eat gluten free or risk severe symptoms, including diarrhea, bloating, and abdominal pain. However, many other people find that eliminating gluten from their diets helps curb migraine headaches, skin conditions such as psoriasis, and muscle aches and pains.
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Switching to a gluten-free diet is not as easy as simply eliminating foods like bread and pasta, which obviously contain wheat flour. According to dietitian Tricia Thompson, who counsels many celiac disease patients, processed foods such as soups, sauces, and rice mixes also contain gluten ingredients. But fortunately, a balanced gluten-free diet doesn't need processed foods and ingredients to be healthy.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture food pyramid recommends getting the bulk of daily calories in the form of whole grains. Naturally gluten-free grains include amaranth, quinoa, sorghum, rice, and corn, according to the Mayo Clinic. Many of these are available plain at the supermarket, and manufacturers also produce gluten-free breads and pastas featuring these and other types of whole grains.

Many other food options essential to a balanced diet are naturally gluten free. Fresh meats are gluten free unless they are processed in some way or contain broth or other additives; to be certain, read the label. In addition, plain beans and fresh fruits and vegetables also contain no gluten. The USDA food pyramid recommends two to three cups of fresh vegetables per day for adults, along with up to two cups of fresh fruits and around five ounces of meat or beans.

Supermarkets carry plenty of gluten-free substitutes for favorite foods such as cookies, cakes, muffins and brownies. In addition, many varieties of snack foods, such as plain potato chips and corn chips, contain no gluten. Those following a gluten-free diet need to take the same precautions as people eating a regular diet to eat these foods sparingly in order to keep their diet well balanced and healthy.

Gluten Free Casein Free Foods

The gluten-free diet is a trend that celebrities and middle-class Americans are choosing to follow to feel healthier and lose weight. Originally, the gluten-free diet was designed for people who had the serious digestive disorder called celiac disease. In addition to celiac disease, changing to a gluten- and casein-free diet has been found to help people who suffer from a variety of other disorders, including some forms of autism. It may seem difficult to find foods that are both free of gluten and the dairy product casein, but many natural and unrefined foods are free of both.
Brown Rice

According to the Autism Web website, gluten, which is wheat protein, is found in many grains, such as oats, wheat and rye. But rice is both gluten- and casein-free, since it contains no wheat or dairy byproducts. Brown rice is recommended for people on the gluten-free, casein-free diet because it is rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber.
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Fresh fruits like strawberries, apples, oranges and bananas are an easy-to-prepare part of the gluten-free, casein-free diet. Fresh fruits contain neither wheat nor dairy byproducts. Canned and dried fruits may or may not be gluten and casein-free, depending on how they are processed. For instance, if fruits are home-dried in a dehydrator with no additives, they are acceptable for the diet. If, however, brown sugar or other food additives are used, they could contain traces of gluten, according to the National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse. It recommends looking for hidden sources of gluten and casein in all processed foods.

Beans are gluten-free and casein-free, and they are a source of both protein and iron. The National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse explains that every type of beans, whether black beans, pinto beans, white beans or garbanzo beans, are naturally free of gluten and casein. Again, it is important to make sure that no additives are included if the beans are canned or from a dehydrated and packaged mix.

Since people on the gluten-free, casein-free diet cannot eat wheat or dairy, including milk, cheese, butter and yogurt, protein options are limited. Eggs can replace dairy because they are rich in protein but contain no gluten or casein, according to Autism Web. Eggs also can replace oatmeal or cereal for breakfast.

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Ideas for a Gluten-Free Diet

A gluten-free diet may initially seem like a hardship, but it can actually be an opportunity to explore foods other than the mainstream processed options on the shelves of most grocery stores. In addition to the health benefits of tailoring your diet to accommodate a gluten allergy, a gluten-free diet can provide the impetus to cook from scratch and prepare tasty, healthy meals.
Fruits and Vegetables

Your gluten-free diet can include a wealth of fruits and vegetables. Enjoy vegetables raw in salads or with dips, such as tahini (sesame paste) or seasoned sour cream. Lightly steam vegetables, such as zucchini and asparagus, by chopping them into bite-sized pieces, cooking them for a few minutes in a steamer basket and then seasoning them with oil and vinegar. Saute leafy greens in olive oil along with garlic, shallots, leeks or onions. Eat fruits like strawberries, apples and peaches without any preparation except a quick rinse. Look for perfectly ripe fruit for optimum flavor. You can also prepare fruit compotes by stewing fruit on low heat in just enough juice to keep them from sticking to the pan. Sweeten them to suit your taste, and cook the mixture for about 10 minutes, or until the fruit starts to break down. Thicken the compote by sprinkling in a few teaspoons of rice flour, and then eat it by itself or over ice cream.
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Screening Processed Foods

Many food companies now offer gluten-free products, and many other grocery products contain no gluten even though they may not specifically be labelled as gluten-free. Read ingredient labels closely when shopping at mainstream grocery stores. Get to know which grains contain gluten, such as wheat, barley and rye, and which grains are gluten-free, such as rice and quinoa. Look at labels to see if foods contain these grains. Many might surprise you, such as soy sauce and malt, both of which contain gluten via a grain unless otherwise specified. There are also preservatives, such as hydrolyzed vegetable protein and caramel color, that may contain gluten, so choose products that do not contain these ingredients. Educate yourself as to what contains gluten and what does not by going to Gluten-Free Living's website and reading up on ingredients.
Meat and Dairy

Meat is naturally gluten-free, provided you buy it in an unadulterated form, such as ground beef or cuts that have not been previously seasoned or doctored to make foods such as meatballs, which may contain bread crumbs. Similarly, chicken and fish are gluten-free, provided they have not been breaded. You can bread your own fish or meat by using a gluten-free grain, such as corn meal. Dairy products also contain no gluten, although you should check ingredients labels for any products that contain more ingredients than a basic dairy product, such as chocolate milk or fruity yogurt.

Dr. Oz Diet


Dr. Mehmet Oz, vice-chair and professor of surgery at Columbia University, is a heart surgeon, a researcher, an author and a talk-show host. According to The Dr. Oz Show website, your focus should be on maintaining a healthy lifestyle with quality food choices and moderate exercise. Dr. Oz also has some tips on what to avoid eating and what to include in your diet to live life to the fullest.
The Basics

According to Discovery Health, a site by cable TV's Discovery Channel, Dr. Oz's book, "You: On a Diet," suggests you should understand that waist measurement is more important than weight; you should know how your body works; you should try to stay satisfied; and you should know it's OK to make mistakes. In addition, Dr. Oz suggests picking only one meal each day to alter; reading food labels to know what you're eating; and choosing healthy foods with fiber, good fats, whole grain carbs, proteins, fruits and vegetables. Dr. Oz says eating throughout the day will prevent starvation eating.
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What to Eat

Forgo the packaged foods aisles at the grocery store and head straight to the produce section. Fruits and vegetables are necessary for a healthy life. Dr. Oz says, "People who eat breakfast every day are thinner." He suggests this lifestyle change: Eat a small variety of the same things every day for breakfast. Choices should be healthy, like steel-cut oats, whole grain cereals or an egg-white omelet. Also, find a few lunch options that are satisfying and stick with them. Enjoy variety at dinner time, he says.
Foods to Avoid

In his research, Dr. Oz discovered certain foods that quicken the aging process. In his diet plan he suggests avoiding these foods: sugar, high-fructose corn syrup, white flour, saturated fats and hydrogenated oils. The Dr. Oz Show website says you should ban these five ingredients from your diet forever.

According to The Dr. Oz Show website, if you want to lose weight and keep it off, cut back by only 100 calories each day. This will allow you to lose 1 lb. per month. Dr. Oz claims that this is a dietary change that most people can sustain for a lifetime. Dr. Oz suggests adding cinnamon or red pepper flakes to your food to help decrease your appetite. Another secret for weight loss: Start with a smaller plate. He claims you'll eat 33 percent less food.
Physical Fitness

Dr. Oz suggests four physical activities to stay fit: Walk at least 30 minutes every day; build muscle by lifting weights 30 minutes weekly; get sweaty for at least 60 minutes each week; and stretch to avoid injury. He notes these are simple activities that cost nothing and require no equipment.

According to, Dr. Oz believes the United States is the fattest nation in the world because of poor diet and sedentary lifestyles. Dr. Oz's focus is on helping people discover a lifestyle plan that focuses on living longer, feeling younger and becoming smarter about taking care of their bodies. The Dr. Oz approach is not as much about losing weight as it is taking care of your body with weight loss as an added benefit.

Tips on Getting a Flat Stomach

The health benefits of losing excess belly fat are even more important than wanting to show off your midriff. The Mayo Clinic notes that excess belly fat is an indicator of too much visceral fat which increases your risk of heart disease, high blood-pressure, diabetes and cancer. Losing your spare tire takes dedication to a healthy diet that is low in saturated fat and includes daily cardiovascular and strength training. Reducing your stress level will also help you achieve your flat belly goals faster, according to the Mayo Clinic.
Drink Water

The body is made up of mostly water and requires water to help it function properly. Water keeps your body temperature at the correct level, helps keep your metabolism stable and keeps toxins flushed from your system. Choosing water to drink over sugar sodas, juices and alcohol saves your hundreds of calories a day and helps decrease your appetite. The Science Daily website suggests drinking water 20 to 30 minutes prior to a meal to help keep you from overeating. There are several schools of thought regarding how much water you should drink. One easy way to determine your daily water requirement is to drink half your body weight in ounces. That means that a 140-lb. person would need 70 oz. of water each day, according to the Science Daily website.
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Eat Almonds

Almonds are high in monounsaturated fatty acids and help the body burn fat in the abdominal area, according to a study published in a 2007 edition of the "Journal For Diabetes Care." A handful of almonds, about 10, has only 69 calories, is 13 percent protein, 14 percent carbohydrates and provides 73 percent essential fatty acids. Almonds also have a high content of fiber, making them an excellent high energy, fat-burning and very filling snack.
Eat Eggs

Eggs have been described as a perfect protein source. Eggs have a perfect balance of essential amino acids, the protein building blocks the body needs for healthy brain function and muscle building. Eggs are also low in calories and because of their protein-to-fat ratio, which keeps you feeling full longer. If you have high cholesterol you should leave out the yoke, and check with your doctor prior to adding eggs to your diet, according to Fitness Magazine.
Do Cardio

To burn calories effectively and get rid of unwanted fat, you must burn more calories than you consume. Cardiovascular exercise accelerates the heart rate and heats the body for a high-calorie burn. Doing 30 minutes of cardio exercise every day will help you drop overall body fat faster. Walking, running, jogging, dancing and cycling are effective cardiovascular workouts.
Work Your Abs

Abdominal exercises will not get rid of the extra fat around your belly, but they will tighten and tone your belly. An effective abs routine should work the entire core. You must work the abdominals, back, hips and pelvic muscles for the best results. If crunches bore you, try mixing it up with some standing core exercises, such as victory lunges. Begin the victory lunge standing. Hold your arms straight overhead and keep your feet shoulder-width apart. Lunge forward with your right leg, knee bent at a 90-degree angle, keeping the left leg straight. Lean forward and bring your arms behind you as you engage your core. Push back into your starting position and repeat on the opposite side.

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Cooked Cabbage Diet


The cooked cabbage diet, also called the cabbage soup diet, is used as a quick weight loss method.
According to, the cabbage diet dates back to the early 1900s and resurfaced during the 1950s, 1980s and 1990s. Dolly Parton, TWA stewardesses and fashion models are among those who have advocated the diet. Check with your doctor or nutritionist before starting the cooked cabbage diet to determine whether it is appropriate for you.

Eating a restrictive diet with large quantities of cabbage can help you lose a large amount of weight in a short period. In fact, reports that users may lose 10 to 17 pounds during the first week of the cabbage diet. When you stop following the diet, you can still eat cabbage as part of your daily diet to help keep weight off.
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According to Nutrition Data, one cooked head of cabbage contains 290 calories, with only 6 of those derived from fat. One head of cabbage also has 24 g fiber, 35 g sugar, 16 g protein and 70 g carbohydrates. Cabbage is low in fat and sodium, containing only 1 g fat and 101 mg sodium in a cooked head. Nutrition Data reports that cabbage contains high levels of magnesium, phosphorous, folate, manganese, thiamine, potassium and calcium, as well as vitamins B6, C and K.

Because of its low calories and high fiber content, cooked cabbage can help you keep full without consuming too many calories. Eating fewer calories over time will help you lose weight. In fact, the Nutrition Data website gives cabbage a five out of five-star rating for weight loss.

Learning Info reports that eating cabbage regularly may help reduce a woman's risk for breast cancer, because of its isothiocyanate content.

Boil a head of cabbage in water without salt. Cook the cabbage approximately one hour for leaves that are slightly crisp, or less for crisper leaves. Lengthy cooking may affect nutritional value. Once the leaves are cooked, drain the water from the cabbage and serve.

You can make a soup out of the cabbage by adding chicken broth or bouillon cubes, water, onions, mushrooms, celery, peppers, carrots, spinach and tomatoes. explains that those who follow the cabbage diet can eat fresh fruit or limited quantities of brown rice.

Nutrition Data warns that the majority of the calories from cabbage are derived from sugar. Too much sugar in your system can turn into fat, and can be detrimental if you have an endocrine condition like diabetes or thyroid disease. According to, this type of diet carries a risk of side effects such as excessive gas, dizziness and light-headedness. Also, losing a significant amount of weight quickly increases the risk of weight gain once you stop the diet.

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