Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Tips on Getting a Flat Stomach

The health benefits of losing excess belly fat are even more important than wanting to show off your midriff. The Mayo Clinic notes that excess belly fat is an indicator of too much visceral fat which increases your risk of heart disease, high blood-pressure, diabetes and cancer. Losing your spare tire takes dedication to a healthy diet that is low in saturated fat and includes daily cardiovascular and strength training. Reducing your stress level will also help you achieve your flat belly goals faster, according to the Mayo Clinic.
Drink Water

The body is made up of mostly water and requires water to help it function properly. Water keeps your body temperature at the correct level, helps keep your metabolism stable and keeps toxins flushed from your system. Choosing water to drink over sugar sodas, juices and alcohol saves your hundreds of calories a day and helps decrease your appetite. The Science Daily website suggests drinking water 20 to 30 minutes prior to a meal to help keep you from overeating. There are several schools of thought regarding how much water you should drink. One easy way to determine your daily water requirement is to drink half your body weight in ounces. That means that a 140-lb. person would need 70 oz. of water each day, according to the Science Daily website.
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Eat Almonds

Almonds are high in monounsaturated fatty acids and help the body burn fat in the abdominal area, according to a study published in a 2007 edition of the "Journal For Diabetes Care." A handful of almonds, about 10, has only 69 calories, is 13 percent protein, 14 percent carbohydrates and provides 73 percent essential fatty acids. Almonds also have a high content of fiber, making them an excellent high energy, fat-burning and very filling snack.
Eat Eggs

Eggs have been described as a perfect protein source. Eggs have a perfect balance of essential amino acids, the protein building blocks the body needs for healthy brain function and muscle building. Eggs are also low in calories and because of their protein-to-fat ratio, which keeps you feeling full longer. If you have high cholesterol you should leave out the yoke, and check with your doctor prior to adding eggs to your diet, according to Fitness Magazine.
Do Cardio

To burn calories effectively and get rid of unwanted fat, you must burn more calories than you consume. Cardiovascular exercise accelerates the heart rate and heats the body for a high-calorie burn. Doing 30 minutes of cardio exercise every day will help you drop overall body fat faster. Walking, running, jogging, dancing and cycling are effective cardiovascular workouts.
Work Your Abs

Abdominal exercises will not get rid of the extra fat around your belly, but they will tighten and tone your belly. An effective abs routine should work the entire core. You must work the abdominals, back, hips and pelvic muscles for the best results. If crunches bore you, try mixing it up with some standing core exercises, such as victory lunges. Begin the victory lunge standing. Hold your arms straight overhead and keep your feet shoulder-width apart. Lunge forward with your right leg, knee bent at a 90-degree angle, keeping the left leg straight. Lean forward and bring your arms behind you as you engage your core. Push back into your starting position and repeat on the opposite side.

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